
Humi-Grow liquid is an organic liquid humic concentrate, derived from the finest, richest, and purest source of humic acid in North America and arguably the World. This humic acid source is a weathered type of oxidized sub-bituminous coal rich in humic substances. Our Humic source is similar to the commonly found Leonardite (lignite coal), BUT our source contains a higher concentration of Humic substances and significantly lower levels of ash and heavy metals, such as lead, arsenic, and mercury.

Our Liquid Humic Acid is blended with pure artesian water, which is drawn from deep below the Earth and to ensure the highest quality water source. We utilize our wet chemistry alkaline extraction process to make Liquid Humic Concentrate. Our wet chemistry process enables the benefits of humic acid such as nutrient delivery to begin working immediately upon application. (Rather than the longer term release period when using the Humic Acid raw material, which could take up to 5 years or longer to see results) In order to ensure that we consistently produce and deliver the highest quality liquid humic acid concentrate, we use our filtration process. Developed over time, this system is the most comprehensive 4-stage screening process in the industry.

Filtration begins with an initial micronized screening method that separates the insoluble material for the extracted Liquid Humic Concentrate, then it is transferred through an even smaller micronized inline screening system to the settling tank, the product then is stored in the tank for a 5-day molecular settling process, and a final inline micronized screening prior to filling our 2.5 gallon jug, 275 gallon totes or tanker load . This process helps to alleviate issues like clogged spray lines that have been problematic in the industry.



Colorimetric (A&L) ............. 12%
A&L method: 12% Potassium Humate (Humic Acid)
ISO/Lamar/AOAC/IHSS method(s): 5-6% (Humic Acid)
pH range: 8.5-9.0


Usage Instructions

AGRONOMIC USES: Apply directly to the soil in fall or early spring and as many as 4 to 6 applications per growing season. Always conduct a soil test to determine nutrient levels and make needed amendments to assure good fertility levels in your soil. Organic Liquid Humic Concentrate is an ideal supplement to your fertilizer program. Application rates will vary depending on soil conditions, plant type, nutrient requirement, and application method. Consult your local agronomist or Ag Extension Agent for more information for your specific application.

MIXING INSTRUCTIONS: Mix 1 gallon of Organic Liquid Humic Concentrate in a minimum of 20 gallons of water.

SHAKE WELL prior to mixing. When mixing with water, ­fill container half full, then add Liquid Humic Concentrate to the remaining water. When mixing with pesticides, dilute Concentrate with water prior to the addition of buffering agents and pesticides. DO NOT tank-mix with carbonate-based pesticides, as efficacy will decrease. Follow all directions and precautions on pesticide labels prior to mixing with Liquid Humic Concentrate. Ensure adequate agitation in all situations. DO NOT mix Liquid Humic Concentrate with calcium nitrate, phosphoric acid, zinc sulfate or other solutions with a pH of less than 6.5

DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Proper timing, rate, and placement of Humic Acid is important for desired results and highly dependent on the stage of crop growth, soil fertility levels, and environmental conditions. If unsure of application rates for your specific soils, please consult your local Ag Extension Agent.



Agronomic Crops: 4 - 10 gallons per acre/per season


  • 5,500 Gallons (Tanker Load)
  • 275-330 Gallons (IBC Tote)
  • 5 Gallon Jugs (Pallet)
  • 2.5 Gallon Jugs (Pallet)