Plant's Choice Humi-Grow
for Efficient Crop Management.
Plant's Choice Humi-Grow Bio is a robust line of humic acid soil amendments. An organic liquid biostimulant, Humi-Grow Bio is derived from natural organic humus. Sea kelp, potash and other natural plant hormones are also combined to enhance the physical, chemical and biological activity in the soil. Plant's Choice Humi-Grow Bio originated as a treatment for Agronomic Crop applications but is also extremely well suited for Horticultural, Turf, Hydroseeding, and Landscaping use.
Benefits of Plant's Choice Humi-Grow Bio include enhanced seed/transplant establishment, improved stress tolerance for the plant, and stimulated plant & root biomass. Humi-Grow Bio works by enhancing chelation of nutrients in the soil to allow for easier plant uptake. The Plant's Choice Humi-Grow Bio product line comes to the market economically priced for a solid return on grower investment. Additional cost savings from by the reduced labor input needed to achieve higher crop yields more efficiently.